JOANNEUM RESEARCH is a non-profit organisation focusing on applied Research and Development (R&D) with a highly qualified staff of more than 400 people. Services include R&D for industry, SMEs and public institutions, complex interdisciplinary national and international assignments as well as tailored techno-economic consulting. The Institute of Information Systems focuses on media semantics, combining R&D into content-based indexing and retrieval with knowledge and semantic technologies for content production, workflows and for decision-support. Application areas range from cultural heritage, media safety and security as well as traffic and transport. The institute has participated in more than 45 EU funded projects since the Third Framework Programme.
Relevant project experience:
In its most recent EC-projects, JRS is supporting adaptive event-driven workflows and distribution, intelligent content production, digital cinema, interactive TV and media monitoring as well as new real-time analysis for audio-visual content. Most prominent among them are DirectInfo, MediaCampaign, SERSCIS, SALERO, PrestoSpace, IP-RACINE, SEMEDIA, porTiVity, 2020 3D MEDIA, and the NoE K-Space. Furthermore, JRS is currently participating in several projects of the Austrian security research program KIRAS on critical infrastructure protection. Here, JRS is focusing on robust object detection and tracking (AREA-MUMOSIS, iObserve) as well as on service oriented frameworks for surveillance applications (iObserveNG). Furthermore, JRS has a long-standing background in implementing P2P exchange platforms and prediction models for the effects of NBC incidents being part of special purpose decision-support systems.
Specific role in TRIDEC:
In TRIDEC JRS leads the work package on the Industrial Subsurface Development scenario (WP7). JRS furthermore contributes to the Knowledge Base (WP4) and the Decision Support (WP5) work packages.