The TRIDEC Kick-off Meeting took place on September 14 - 15, 2010 at the premises of the German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam (GFZ). The event is the first meeting of the whole consortium and includes the organizational, research&development, and technological level.
Based on a common understanding of the objectives and organization of TRIDEC the meeting focuses not only on the work plan and the work breakdown structure but also on plans and arrangements for the initial implementation phase. Another important issue is the establishment of Scientific&Technical Advisory Boards implemented for the Natural Crisis Scenario (Tsunami) and the Industrial Subsurface Exploitation Scenario (Drilling) respectively.
The first day of the meeting is dedicated to the overall objectives, structure, and organization of the project. The second day developed a short term agenda for an efficient project start with satellite session for either technology or application specific topics.