WP 6 – Natural Crisis Management
Work package 6, led by the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam German Research Centre for Geoscience (GFZ), will design the reference architecture for tsunami warning systems based on the TRIDEC service infrastructure. It will provide the infrastructure and the basic domain functionality by the adoption of the services developed by T3.4, establish a service orchestration platform to support sustainable crisis management and collaboration workflows as well as specify and implement an adaptive, autonomous and intelligent information management based on knowledge and registry information. WP 5 is furthermore concerned with the adaption of existing management modules and processing components to the needs of the TRIDEC system, the quality assurance of all TRIDEC applications by integration and unit tests, the deployment of a test environment for applications and components and the design of test scenarios and preparation of historic and simulated data sets which will be executed within a scenario based test. In this context, a validation of the requirements and feedback will be provided to WP 2.