Blogs Blogs

Tutorial: Social Media & Natural Language Processing

Approximately 60 participants attended the 3-hour tutorial titled "Exploiting Social Media for Natural Language Processing: Bridging the Gap between Language-centric and Real-world Applications" at the annual international conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).The conference took place on 4th August 2013 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Prof. Dr. Simone Ponzetto (University of Mannheim) and Dr. Andrea Zielinski (Fraunhofer IOSB) presented there the basics, theory and practical applications for Twitter analysis. In this context, the Tridec project was presented and a live demonstration of the tsunami early warning on the basis of social media was shown.

TRIDEC Drilling Summer Course

As part of the "Drilling Summer Course" of the University of Leoben JOANNEUM employees have presented the EU project "Tridec - Collaborative, Complex and Critical Decision Support in Evolving Crises". They brought their extensive, specially under this project earned knowledge on "real-time data analysis in drilling" closer to interested guests. The course took place July, 11th 2013.


  • "TRIDEC & IT-support in sub-surface drilling" (Dr. Martin Winter)
  • "Message Oriented Middleware and Complex Event Processing" (Roland Unterberger)
  • "Data-mining for one Rig (Machine Learning)" (Felix Lee)
TRIDEC @ at the West Coast Alaska Tsunami Early Warning Centre

1st July 2013: TRIDEC @ at the West Coast Alaska Tsunami Early Warning Centre
TRIDEC Researchers from GFZ, Germany and IT Innovation, United Kingdom showcased  TRIDEC Software and research activities  at the West Coast Alaska Tsunami Early Warning Centre (WCATWC) operated by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in Palmer, Alaska on July 1st 2013.

Long Night of Sciences / Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften

TRIDEC is presented at the "Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften" (Long Night of Sciences) at GFZ Potsdam (GeoLab). This years´ focus is on the TRIDEC Geohazard App.


ISCRAM 2013: 10th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management.

takes places from 12th - 15th May 2013, Baden Baden

The ISCRAM Association's primary mission is to foster a community dedicated to promoting research and development, exchange of knowledge and deployment of information systems for crisis management, including the social, technical and practical aspects of all information and communication systems used or to be used in all phases of management of emergencies, disasters and crises.

TRIDEC presentations are part of the sessions "Architecture of Emergency Management Information Systems" and "Open Standards and Interoperability in Early Warning and Crisis Management Systems".



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Co-funded by the European Commission under FP7 (Seventh Framework Programme) Action Line: ICT-2009.4.3 Intelligent Information Management Project Reference: 258723

© TRIDEC Consortium 2013